namespace provides means for seamless HANA database access. It is intended to be a replacement for the older $.db
namespace. The fundamental goal of the new interface is to ensure simplicity, convenience, completeness, and
Sample Usage
var db = $.hdb;
let connection = null;
try {
connection = db.getConnection();
try {
connection.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE CARS");
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
connection.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE CARS (MAKE varchar(255), MODEL varchar(255))");
let rows = connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO CARS (MAKE, MODEL) VALUES ('BMW', '325')");
rows += connection.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO CARS (MAKE, MODEL) VALUES ('HONDA', 'ACCORD')");
let totalText = `Query OK, ${rows} rows affected\n\n`;
let result = connection.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM CARS");
let iterator = result.getIterator();
let metadata = result.metadata.columns;
while(iterator.next()) {
var currentRow = iterator.value();
totalText += `${metadata[0].name}: ${currentRow[metadata[0].name]}, ${metadata[1].name}: ${currentRow[metadata[1].name]}\n`;
$.response.setBody(totalText );
} catch(e) {
$.response.setBody("Transaction was rolled back: " + e.message);
} finally {
if (connection) {
Function |
Description |
Returns |
getConnection() |
Returns a connection to the database. |
$.hdb.Connection |
Name |
Description |
Type |
Default |
isolation.READ_COMITTED |
- |
number |
2 |
- |
number |
4 |
isolation.SERIALIZABLE |
- |
number |
8 |
types.TINYINT |
- |
number |
1 |
types.SMALLINT |
- |
number |
2 |
types.INTEGER |
- |
number |
3 |
types.BIGINT |
- |
number |
4 |
types.DECIMAL |
- |
number |
5 |
types.REAL |
- |
number |
6 |
types.DOUBLE |
- |
number |
7 |
types.CHAR |
- |
number |
8 |
types.VARCHAR |
- |
number |
9 |
types.NCHAR |
- |
number |
10 |
types.NVARCHAR |
- |
number |
11 |
types.BINARY |
- |
number |
12 |
- |
number |
13 |
types.DATE |
- |
number |
14 |
types.TIME |
- |
number |
15 |
- |
number |
16 |
types.CLOB |
- |
number |
25 |
types.NCLOB |
- |
number |
26 |
types.BLOB |
- |
number |
27 |
- |
number |
47 |
types.TEXT |
- |
number |
51 |
- |
number |
52 |
types.ALPHANUM |
- |
number |
55 |
- |
number |
62 |
- |
number |
74 |
types.ST_POINT |
- |
number |
75 |
- isolation - constants that represent the isolation levels for a transaction.
- types - set of constants of the database column types.
- consider using SQL's ST_asGeoJSON()
on ST_GEOMETRY columns for easy consumption.
- consider using SQL's ST_asGeoJSON()
on ST_POINT columns for easy consumption
Function |
Description |
Returns |
close() |
Closes the connection. |
- |
commit() |
Commits the changes. |
- |
isClosed() |
Checks if the connection is closed. |
boolean |
executeQuery(query, args) |
Executes a database query. |
$.hdb.ResultSet |
executeUpdate(statement, args) |
Executes a SQL statement, which changes the database state. |
$.hdb.ResultSet |
rollback() |
Rolls back the changes. |
- |
setAutoCommit(enable) |
Changes the auto-commit flag of the connection. |
- |
Function |
Description |
Returns |
getIterator() |
Returns an iterator over this result set. |
$.hdb.ResultSetIterator |
Name |
Description |
Type |
lenght |
The number of rows in the $.hdb.ResultSet object |
number |
metadata |
Returns the ResultSetMetaData from $.hdb.ResultSet object. |
$.hdb.ResultSetMetaData |
Method |
Description |
Type |
next() |
Checks if the result set has more rows and sets the value of the iterator to the next row if it exists. |
boolean |
value() |
Returns the current row that the iterator's value is set to, should always be called after a call to next() . |
row of a $.hdb.ResultSet |
Name |
Description |
Type |
column |
Returns an array of column metadata objects, each of which represents the metadata for a particular column. |
array of $.hdb.ColumnMetadata |
Name |
Description |
Type |
catalogName |
Returns the column's catalog name. |
string |
displaySize |
Returns the column's display size. |
number |
isNullable |
Returns true if the column is nullable and false otherwise. |
number |
label |
Returns the column's label. |
string |
precision |
Returns the column's name. |
string |
scale |
Returns the column's scale. |
string |
tableName |
Returns the name of the table to which the column belongs. |
string |
type |
Returns the column's type. |
string |
typeName |
Returns the column's type name. |
$.hdb.types |