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On-premise connectivity


As a prerequisite, the SAP Cloud Connector must be configured. A connection to the subaccount in which XSK is deployed needs to be established and the appropriate endpoints to the target system need to be exposed.

Setup connectivity-proxy

XSK running in Kyma needs to have the Connectivity proxy enabled which enables the connectivity between XSK and the on-premise system.

Follow the steps in SAP Help Portal on how to enable the connectivity proxy.

Optional: Mail configuration

If the application needs to send e-mails via an on-premise mail server, a destination needs to be configured.

  1. Create a destination on subaccount level with the following configuration
    Name: <destination-name>
    Proxy Type: OnPremise
    Type: Mail
    Authentication: <Select>
    ----> Additional properties
    mail.transport.protocol: smtp <virtual host>
    mail.smtp.port: <virtual port> connectivity-proxy.kyma-system
    mail.smtp.socks.port: 20004
    mail.smtp.socks.username: 2.

Note: If the connection to the mail server is secured, change the additional property keys from smtp to smtps.

  1. Add the following environment variables to the XSK deployment

    MAIL_SERVER_DESTINATION_NAME:   <destination-name>

  2. Use the $.net.Mail API as usual

HTTP Requests to on-premise system

  1. Create a destination on subaccount level with the following configuration

    Name: <destination-name>
    Proxy Type: OnPremise
    Type: HTTP
    Authentication: <Select>
    URL: <Virtual Host and Port>

  2. Make request with $.net.http API


If TCP traffic between XSK and connectivity proxy fails you can try to allow port 20004 on both sides:

$ kubectl -n kyma-system patch statefulset connectivity-proxy -p '{"spec": {"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "20004"}}}} }'
$ kubectl patch deployment xsk -p '{"spec": {"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "20004"}}}} }'